Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to Get Your Client or Project Brief

It sounds more professional than the actual thing in interior decor can be broken down into the process. Then you can follow simple step by step method to achieve it. This is how we achieve the client brief.

List the details of all projects, address, number of rooms, number of family members, pets, lifestyle (professional, family-oriented, adolescent with a lot of friends, babies, many pets, retirement and leisure, offices etc.) to walk home style, type construction budget, the overall content
projects (ie renovating kitchens and bathrooms).
Take one item at a time and expand on them. Family Members For example - how much? What age? What are their needs? This is very important for the bathroom areas - privacy, shower, bath, multiple strands, additional toilets, etc. Current style home, if a bungalow in the 1960s, what kind of style you want to take pictures at home? Is the whole house will be updated eventually or just a kitchen and bathroom? Look for long-term plan and present as this can affect the appearance of the entire house if does not flow cohesively. Type of construction, this is very important for structural purposes, for example, you might want to put a granite bench top in the kitchen, it's very heavy and if you have a wood-framed floors will require additional technical support for the floor, the same applies if you want to add to the marble bathroom floor on the first floor, again very heavy.
Budget - this is the main part of the brief, a good designer to bring their projects within budget, this makes everyone happy! This means that when you do your initial planning for what you are realistic materials, supplies and equipment that are affordable and you can set a priority list and use it to get the best quality projects for your money.
Overall changes - in other words, the scope of work. What do you want to do with your renovation. Is this just repaint with new carpets, curtains and furniture or a broader construction and cabinetry work involved. List of what you want to achieve, what changes are needed and to what room, what would be involved contractors and their input. This all helps when you want to determine your budget and start prioritizing.
Lifestyle - This is important when it comes to finding the right style decor. You need to find out how the occupiers of homework every day. There is no point in having white clean kitchen surfaces clean with a slim horizontal when you have a toddler and a baby and you spend all day making food for them. Get everything and save it again and again. You need something with a user-friendly tool storage, easy access and display a more softened, if you will spend most days in the kitchen. Mass equal to your teen will need to allow greater space for large fridge because they will eat all day!
Then the most important part - aesthetics! What style or look you or your client wants to accomplish. It also can be the most difficult because of the creative side of decorating. All the rest have been "accounting" and a list of numbers, it is very important for any project but not the fun decorating that we all enjoy.

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