Thursday, August 5, 2010

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Home Decorating With Flowers

In addition to decorating the outside (outdoor) house, the flowers turned out nice also to be used as decorative elements inside the house. Interior decorating (inside room) home with flowers can provide beauty and graced the house and its inhabitants mood. Wide range of flowers available in the market are imported and locally, but that does not mean flowers from the garden itself can not be used as room decoration your house. You can string the flowers are so beautiful views and the light emanating from the florist flower itself without decoration.

All you need is good will and courage to be creative in choosing a container (pot or vase), flowers, fresh leaves and twigs. Flower color is also very positive impact in your life. When selecting, consider the psychology of color, think back to what the impact will affect the mood of a person.

If you choose the color red, it will make the house more and more exciting atmosphere and warms the body, increasing heart rate and respiratory path. Yellow color represents an energy source that can stimulate your memory and increase the spirit of a family. Green and purple is the color balance, peace and help ease his depression.

If you want a softer color or muted, blue is a good choice because it has the effect of increasing the reflection as well as relieve stress. To give a sense of spirit and soothe tired, use orange flowers. Pink color also gives you peace and free from anger. While the white color is a symbol of purity but also provided peace in your heart.

Various media can be decorated like tables, walls, lighting Chinese lanterns, and other media. You want to create a creative space that can be looked relaxed and casual, and if you want to be inspired by such an atmosphere of casual clothes bali nuanced.

Similarly tips this time, congratulations to create ..

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Mirror creates the impression of vast space. Use a mirror in the dining room table or living room. Large mirror in the right place to produce a strong effect of the space. Before a mirror placed on the wall, we can first try placing it in several places to determine their effect on space.


Design of built-ins to create the impression of space which is simple and makes a wider space. Moreover, it can reduce the cost of purchasing furniture. For example in bedrooms, cabinets can be "attached" to the wall or in the gypsum. We just need to make shelves in it and make the door just to minimize the cost of making furniture. The inside of the cabinet can be coated wallpaper so much sweeter.


For example for the dinner table. Use a small dining table and placed stick to the wall with four chairs. Better use of seats so that the impression puff wider space. Use a coffee table and credenza too small.


Do not choose the furniture that "heavy" and thick. Find furniture that is thin and shaped frame, not fields. Examples for the credenza tv, select furniture legs, do a full up to the floor.


Dark colors do not space for a large wall areas. Choose colors so bright and impressive young broad.


Use the best furniture for storage. For example making the drawers under the bed, bedside table that can store goods, credenza that can load the magazines and all other furniture. With lots of storage would reduce the stuff that was left lying and if charcoal multiply no need to create another storage place.


Do not leave blank wall is too big. Blank wall can be filled with paintings or decorations. Do not also made too full. But just enough so that the building does not seem empty and cold.

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The Artistic Small Home Design

The development of the property world at present is very rapid, this is marked by numerous property development units, for example: apartment or condominium that is super exclusive luxury development of houses or small, simple.

Along with the development of the property world, the needs of the community will house these days is very high. If insufficient budget to buy a house that middle-end, or a simple little house was not an obstacle to realizing the desire for home. Almost all developers offer a small house lots or products, due to high demand of home / place of residence, then only a short time were able to sell hundreds of housing units. The problem is, many developers take advantage of that momentum by building a small house with the facilities and environment, as rudimentary as we know, that is Very Simple House (RSS).

Describe the tiny house with a condition like that it's time to change. Consumer is king, people also are appropriately given the best. Houses must be beautiful, healthy and environmentally friendly. That's the key word to build whatever size house, including building a small house or choosing. Tiny houses that are marketed typically have a maximum of 100 square meters wide with a size variation of 6 X 15 m, 7 x 15m, or 8 X 12 m, and standard forms of building houses.

Beautiful is not necessarily expensive. Creativity is a wise and intelligent design actually able to realize efficient small house building materials and get around all the limitations, both funds and land. Beautiful concept can be translated in the form of blueprints of the house is straightforward and easy maintenance. Encouraging the development of limited land a tiny terraced house.

Plan open space and minimal wall, both walls, walls, or doors, make the space seem roomy. Merging functions tailored to the needs of the inhabitants of the space.

Carport, porch and front gardens functioned as a living room, children playroom, parking of vehicles, even meeting the RT / RW. Optimized for space in the family room and dining room. The function of the family room, study room, and children's bedrooms can also be placed at the top to the floor under the roof (attic). Garden and patio used as an open dining room, family room, and children's learning space, with a different time.

The bathroom is a room that requires special handling and maintenance, start sanitation utilities, major appliances, and material selection. Materials ceramic or terrazzo floors of the coarse texture is meant to avoid slipping and to extend the impression of small-sized space. Broad limitations can be made dry bathroom with a shower of glass-walled closed box or plastic curtains. Although the placement of septic tanks placed in the front garden, but the distance is still relatively close to the water pump so that for the long term, can contaminate ground water. For that purpose, to consider re-placement of septic tanks collectively transferred in the parks environment.

Structuring practical all together with kitchen dining room or on the patio (open dining area).

General concept of the home provides a bedroom and bathroom attendants in the back, below, or above the near room service, washing, and drying. Now design a service room, washing, and drying, bedroom and bathroom and kitchen helpers stationed at the front of a dirty house, adjacent family room overlooking the carport.

View artistic home does not require expensive materials. The walls of the house of adobe and brick walls with the completion of exposure or a combination of stucco or kamprotan with careful workmanship and neat, or they can be put on the wall of steel plates. Ceramic KW-2, KW-3, or a unique terrazzo also not less interesting beautify the house floor. Ketidakpresisian materials can still disiasati by nat-nat wide.

The contents of the home furnishings should be versatile, in accordance with the priority needs of the family, and the proportion between the size of the furniture and the living space. Tables, sofas, couches, under the sink, to the space underneath the stairs is optimized for storage of goods and dispersed as needed function space so no need to create a warehouse.

Settlement of the floor, walls and furniture with the color and / or similar materials on the outer space to give the impression of vast space in imaginary space. Gradations of color that blend right in every sense of space also influences the living space as well as providing psychological effects (psychiatric treatment) to the occupants of the house. Unity of themes and colors will help the orderly and airy home impressed, between floors (dark), walls and furniture (medium), and the roof of the ceiling (light).

HOUSE petite should also be healthy. Home is where the physical and mental health therapy occupants, both in times of sound, in healing, or are sick. The house where the body of relaxation to restore freshness.

Electricity crisis and rising electricity rates should be anticipated with the priority use of electrical devices and energy-efficient home design. Optimization of sunlight as a source of natural lighting throughout the house early in the afternoon and moonlight and stars at night.

Optimization of sunlight and air circulation can be created by opening doors and windows with a width and length to touch the floor, at least 2.75 meters tall ceilings, and skylights in the dining room, bathroom, or bedroom above would give the expansion of an imaginary space.

Each room had sought fresh air and sunlight are good for the health of occupants, and their money home and occupants. Houses can even minimize the use of Air Conditioning (AC), fan, and lights, especially in the daytime.

Installation of mirrors on one wall, like on the terrace, living room and bathroom, will add a vast imaginary space. Decorating the walls with paintings, family photos, certificates, plaques, or ethnicity as a focal point objects to add living room atmosphere as well as providing psychological therapy to the residents.

Pages narrow they can be used as a park water recharge (dry garden) with a simple structure from bottom to top, pumice stone, roofed, coral, coarse sand, and soil / pebbles / gravel, with a thickness varied according to soil conditions.

Planting trees in front gardens (the most possible) compared to the rear garden is a supplier of oxygen as well as providing shade and coolness to the hosts. In the morning, residents are still advised to open windows and doors to ensure the availability of sunlight and fresh air to warm the space and replace the stale air inside the house.

Tiny house would be more comfortable if the problem of clean water availability and quality obtained from the PAM, a hand pump, or pump machine with a good note, especially if there is difficulty to clean water in the dry season. Then, how the waste management system also needs to be studied carefully, whether administered alone (recycling) or provided temporary shelter.

Besides the things already mentioned above, here are some tips you can use to maximize your small house design:

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How to Get Your Client or Project Brief

It sounds more professional than the actual thing in interior decor can be broken down into the process. Then you can follow simple step by step method to achieve it. This is how we achieve the client brief.

List the details of all projects, address, number of rooms, number of family members, pets, lifestyle (professional, family-oriented, adolescent with a lot of friends, babies, many pets, retirement and leisure, offices etc.) to walk home style, type construction budget, the overall content
projects (ie renovating kitchens and bathrooms).
Take one item at a time and expand on them. Family Members For example - how much? What age? What are their needs? This is very important for the bathroom areas - privacy, shower, bath, multiple strands, additional toilets, etc. Current style home, if a bungalow in the 1960s, what kind of style you want to take pictures at home? Is the whole house will be updated eventually or just a kitchen and bathroom? Look for long-term plan and present as this can affect the appearance of the entire house if does not flow cohesively. Type of construction, this is very important for structural purposes, for example, you might want to put a granite bench top in the kitchen, it's very heavy and if you have a wood-framed floors will require additional technical support for the floor, the same applies if you want to add to the marble bathroom floor on the first floor, again very heavy.
Budget - this is the main part of the brief, a good designer to bring their projects within budget, this makes everyone happy! This means that when you do your initial planning for what you are realistic materials, supplies and equipment that are affordable and you can set a priority list and use it to get the best quality projects for your money.
Overall changes - in other words, the scope of work. What do you want to do with your renovation. Is this just repaint with new carpets, curtains and furniture or a broader construction and cabinetry work involved. List of what you want to achieve, what changes are needed and to what room, what would be involved contractors and their input. This all helps when you want to determine your budget and start prioritizing.
Lifestyle - This is important when it comes to finding the right style decor. You need to find out how the occupiers of homework every day. There is no point in having white clean kitchen surfaces clean with a slim horizontal when you have a toddler and a baby and you spend all day making food for them. Get everything and save it again and again. You need something with a user-friendly tool storage, easy access and display a more softened, if you will spend most days in the kitchen. Mass equal to your teen will need to allow greater space for large fridge because they will eat all day!
Then the most important part - aesthetics! What style or look you or your client wants to accomplish. It also can be the most difficult because of the creative side of decorating. All the rest have been "accounting" and a list of numbers, it is very important for any project but not the fun decorating that we all enjoy.

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Modern Minimalist

Urban lifestyle that tends to be practical and efficient basic and minimalist house design is still in great demand. Various forms of houses, shops, hotels, up to the apartment to take a minimalist form as consumer appeal.

Forms follow function. Minimalist modern house comes with a character more clearly (the geometric forms and spaces, simple), better (solid), and more strongly with the empty spaces (a little ornaments and furniture). Minimum of a goal once ornament itself is simple and pure. Straight line, plane smooth rough sometimes, and all-area meetings elbow perpendicular. Blocking mass, materials, lighting, repetition, circulation compact, multifunctional space and sequential optimization.

Efficient material usage, practical, lightweight but sturdy, and high tech. Plain or textured exposed concrete on the wall of the house, wide glass windows a little, or no connection. Frame buildings of concrete to steel. The roof of clay tiles, shingles, to steel plate. Ladder floated from the plate and steel strap, lightweight, folding up the ladder.

Plain wood without ornament, only polished or painted, still widely used for frames and doors and windows. Frame from a durable aluminum also have a lot ogled. Textured concrete fence, wall, betel leaf (prepared storied stone pieces), so that softens the rigidity of hedgerows buildings.

A house with a minimalist design that emphasizes the form of straightforward design, plain, simple, uncomplicated, compact, and space efficiency. Minimalist impression only an essential part of the house functions will be retained. Creativity and innovation of technological developments to make a minimalist home will continue to grow more compact, stylish, and practical, and remains a favorite choice of a new symbol of urban society.

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Tropical Modern

Tropical modern architecture is the development of traditional architecture with the addition and adjustment of modern public life. Tropical modern architecture has distinctive aesthetic values of modern tropical building (a friendly tropical environment, according to contemporary), model building has eternity in terms of both design and art, as well as correct in terms of functionality, requirements, climate, and environment.

The ability of buildings to accommodate the added convenience of tropical climatic conditions and energy efficient household. Tropical modern house was present as a comfortable home occupancy, appearance attractive design, and responsive to the tropical climate. Living in the tropics requires a tropical environment-friendly house is hot and humid, and rainy and summer seasons alternate throughout the year. Houses are designed to consider and take advantage of the natural resources of light and air into the house.

Every room in the house lit by natural light all day that go through the wide door openings and the vent windows (ventilation) around the building, and skylights in some corner of the roof ceiling. Room was bright and fresh throughout the day (morning-afternoon).

Cross circulation of fresh air to flow smoothly into the ceiling and the roof is high enough (2.5 to 3 meters) to create the space feel fresh, not stuffy or humid conditions, and minimize the use of fans or air conditioning.

Not just a house for shelter from the sun or rain, but home is where the socialization process of a human being with family. Wide eaves to give shade of the porch, building, and problem solving tempias rainwater. Under the eaves where rain water fall created a dry garden with a linear elongated coral surface that facilitates water infiltration, as well as abolish the guttering which is often clogged or leaking. In the rain, walls and floors are not muddy and slippery, clean wall of water splashing mud.

Openness and the relationship between the liquid space creates circular room seemed to flow from the front to the back up top. Joint space is provided as a place to mix a variety of multifunctional activities, such as living room and family room, living room, dining room and kitchen, living room and study together.

Excess modern house accommodating to tropical tropical climate makes the house feel more alive and warm. Mix of architectural wisdom (traditional), tropical, fulfilling the needs of modern life, as well as modern materials (concrete, steel, glass, fiberglass) and natural materials (wood, stone, brick, terra cotta).

Processing of local materials (stone, brick, terrazzo, coral, wood, coconut, bamboo, water hyacinth, banana midrib) with creative and appropriate to make building long-lived, low maintenance, and provide value-added tropical exotic buildings overall. Interwoven technology industries (precision, cold) and the culture of craftsmen (natural, warm) make it look more warm house and give the building a strong character.

Making the distribution of voids and void the appropriate and equitable by ensuring a smooth functioning of tropical climatic circulation of air and natural light into the house. The top of the pergola equipped with a useful void filter katalitas intensity of sunlight and the changing light, and rain water tempias on all four sides of the building wall.

Sensitivity of tropical modern architecture encourages the building open to the outside space as a whole is balanced. In space, terrace and garden as a union of expansion space. That is, activities that take place in space can be pulled onto the deck and hold next to the park, such as the function of the dining room during the family party.

The presence of the park adds value to buildings. Ecological value is very thick. Garden tropical modern emphasis on the use of some types of plants (grasses or plants other pengalas, 1-3 trees, bamboo barrier), giving a strong green effect, the spread of coral and water absorption wells 2-3 (enlarge resap groundwater resources), and easy maintenance.

Completion plaster walls and cement floors, exposed concrete, exposed wooden doors and windows with plain or without frames, saving construction costs, but is able to display the beauty of the building. Dirambati house wall to muffle the noise of plants, absorb pollutant gases, retaining solar radiation, and cool temperature in the room.

Land limitations and consequences of land awoke to stimulate development of grass roofs roofs replace conventional. The presence of trees filtering the sun coming over (to reduce heat in the building, preserving paint the walls), creating shade, and shadow effect on the walls and floors.

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