Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tropical Modern

Tropical modern architecture is the development of traditional architecture with the addition and adjustment of modern public life. Tropical modern architecture has distinctive aesthetic values of modern tropical building (a friendly tropical environment, according to contemporary), model building has eternity in terms of both design and art, as well as correct in terms of functionality, requirements, climate, and environment.

The ability of buildings to accommodate the added convenience of tropical climatic conditions and energy efficient household. Tropical modern house was present as a comfortable home occupancy, appearance attractive design, and responsive to the tropical climate. Living in the tropics requires a tropical environment-friendly house is hot and humid, and rainy and summer seasons alternate throughout the year. Houses are designed to consider and take advantage of the natural resources of light and air into the house.

Every room in the house lit by natural light all day that go through the wide door openings and the vent windows (ventilation) around the building, and skylights in some corner of the roof ceiling. Room was bright and fresh throughout the day (morning-afternoon).

Cross circulation of fresh air to flow smoothly into the ceiling and the roof is high enough (2.5 to 3 meters) to create the space feel fresh, not stuffy or humid conditions, and minimize the use of fans or air conditioning.

Not just a house for shelter from the sun or rain, but home is where the socialization process of a human being with family. Wide eaves to give shade of the porch, building, and problem solving tempias rainwater. Under the eaves where rain water fall created a dry garden with a linear elongated coral surface that facilitates water infiltration, as well as abolish the guttering which is often clogged or leaking. In the rain, walls and floors are not muddy and slippery, clean wall of water splashing mud.

Openness and the relationship between the liquid space creates circular room seemed to flow from the front to the back up top. Joint space is provided as a place to mix a variety of multifunctional activities, such as living room and family room, living room, dining room and kitchen, living room and study together.

Excess modern house accommodating to tropical tropical climate makes the house feel more alive and warm. Mix of architectural wisdom (traditional), tropical, fulfilling the needs of modern life, as well as modern materials (concrete, steel, glass, fiberglass) and natural materials (wood, stone, brick, terra cotta).

Processing of local materials (stone, brick, terrazzo, coral, wood, coconut, bamboo, water hyacinth, banana midrib) with creative and appropriate to make building long-lived, low maintenance, and provide value-added tropical exotic buildings overall. Interwoven technology industries (precision, cold) and the culture of craftsmen (natural, warm) make it look more warm house and give the building a strong character.

Making the distribution of voids and void the appropriate and equitable by ensuring a smooth functioning of tropical climatic circulation of air and natural light into the house. The top of the pergola equipped with a useful void filter katalitas intensity of sunlight and the changing light, and rain water tempias on all four sides of the building wall.

Sensitivity of tropical modern architecture encourages the building open to the outside space as a whole is balanced. In space, terrace and garden as a union of expansion space. That is, activities that take place in space can be pulled onto the deck and hold next to the park, such as the function of the dining room during the family party.

The presence of the park adds value to buildings. Ecological value is very thick. Garden tropical modern emphasis on the use of some types of plants (grasses or plants other pengalas, 1-3 trees, bamboo barrier), giving a strong green effect, the spread of coral and water absorption wells 2-3 (enlarge resap groundwater resources), and easy maintenance.

Completion plaster walls and cement floors, exposed concrete, exposed wooden doors and windows with plain or without frames, saving construction costs, but is able to display the beauty of the building. Dirambati house wall to muffle the noise of plants, absorb pollutant gases, retaining solar radiation, and cool temperature in the room.

Land limitations and consequences of land awoke to stimulate development of grass roofs roofs replace conventional. The presence of trees filtering the sun coming over (to reduce heat in the building, preserving paint the walls), creating shade, and shadow effect on the walls and floors.

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